
How to remove automatic update in Google Play store

भिडियो हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुहोस

When in doubt, applications you have introduced from Google Play will download upgrades naturally (called auto-overhaul applications) keeping in mind the end goal to enhance their execution on your tablet or cell phone. As a rule, this is something to be thankful for, however it can likewise back off your telephone, use up your portable information and prevent you from doing different things with your gadget. This is the place physically redesigning applications can be more down to earth.

How to disable auto-update apps in Google Play

1. Open Google Play and swipe out the route drawer. Pick Settings. 

2. In the Play Store settings, tap Auto-redesign applications. 

3. You'll see three alternatives (which can be changed whenever): Do not auto-overhaul applications; Auto-redesign applications whenever. Information charges may apply; and Auto-redesign applications over Wi-Fi just.

4. Pick the first. Note this implies you will dependably need to physically overhaul all applications later on. On the off chance that regardless you need applications to upgrade consequently, just not on your information association, select Auto-redesign applications over Wi-Fi just. 

How to manually update apps in the Play Store:

1. On the off chance that you've advised the Play Store not to auto-upgrade applications, you'll need to do it physically. To physically redesign an application, you must go to My applications in Google Play, so open the route drawer and select it (from under the fundamental Apps and amusements classification).

2. You will be demonstrated a tab perspective of your applications: the ones right now introduced on your gadget and an expert rundown of each application you've ever downloaded. In the Installed list, you'll see the applications are split up into classifications: Updates, Recently upgraded and Up-to-date. 

3. Applications with redesigns accessible are recorded at the top. You can introduce them each one in turn or every one of them with the Update All catch at the top.
भिडियो हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुहोस

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